Bryan LeMasters became our Discipleship Minister in June of 2019. Before joining the Mt. Juliet family, he served as a youth minister for eight years with the Madison Church of Christ in Madison, AL. He has a B.S. in Bible from Freed-Hardeman University and an M.A. in Biblical Studies from Faulkner University. He and his wife Allyson have two kids named Ava and Camden.
How I Serve the MJ Family
I have a passion for connecting people to Jesus and helping them to live out the Gospel. The goal of my ministry is to make and mature disciples. This effort gets focused into four areas: outreach, guests, new members, and spiritual growth. I provide support to the deacons who lead ministries that help love our community while also dreaming and exploring new ways for us to share Jesus in Mt. Juliet. I am responsible for providing avenues to help people get to know us. This includes our welcome center, welcome packet, connect & next step cards, and hospitality teams. Each week I follow up with guests and new members to help them become connected. If you are ready to join our church family or get involved, I would love to help you out. I also spend time working on opportunities and resources to help our church family become more like Jesus. Also, I am the primary teacher for the Young Families class.
More About Me
I love spending time with people, especially family. I really enjoy sports. The two teams that I cheer for and follow closely are Duke basketball and Alabama football. I am always up for playing a game, especially Rook and Spades. One of my favorite things is getting to meet new people and helping them connect with Jesus and our church family, so make sure to say hey when you visit.